A&E Training Services provides comprehensive CSAA Z462 Workplace Electrical Safety training and technical training for your staff. Our programs are designed to ensure that your employees meet the continuing need for safety and technical training to be able to understand existing and changing regulations, or to stay current with technical specifications.
CSA Z462 Workplace Electrical Safety
This course is designed to introduce the employee, (Manager, Health and Safety Professional, Supervisor) to Canada’s newest standard for electrical safety in the work place. This is a one day CSA Z462 Workplace Electrical Safety training program.
As an employer, you have a legal duty to protect your workers from workplace hazards. As an employee and qualified electrical worker you have an obligation to ensure that you are working safely, by being able to recognize the hazards, determine effective methods of protection and provide for a safe working condition. Shock and arc flash hazards are potentially catastrophic events that can cause severe or fatal injuries. This one-day training course is designed to assist employer and employees to identify shock and arc flash hazards and prevent injuries and incidents associated with those hazards.
This course is designed for “qualified” electricians, technicians, engineers, supervisors and personnel that work on/near energized equipment in low, medium and high voltage ranges.
- All electrical workers: Electricians, Electrical Technicians and Technologists, Electrical Engineers, HVAC Technicians, etc.
- Plant Operations Personnel
- Occupational Health and Safety Professionals
- All personnel involved in performing electrical switching operations
- Comprehensive student manual with exercises
- CSA Standard Z462 Workplace Electrical Safety
- Course Objectives
Upon completion of this seminar, attendees should be able to:
- Identify electrical safety training requirements for qualified workers
- Identify best practice Regulations that address shock and arc flash hazards
- List the steps to perform a shock hazard analysis and describe each step
- Define the three CSA Z462 shock protection boundaries and describe their use
- List the personal protective equipment required for shock protection
- List the steps to achieve an electrically safe work condition
- Explain what ground gradients are, the common causes and how to prevent them
- List the steps to install and remove temporary protective grounding equipment
- Explain what an arc flash is and the injuries that can result
- Identify when an arc flash hazard exists
- List the steps to perform an arc flash hazard analysis and describe each step
- Define the term “incident energy,” identify the key electrical system variables that affect it
- Define the term “arc flash protection boundary” and explain its application
- Define the term “arc-rated” and explain the testing methods
- Select appropriate personal protective equipment for arc flash hazards
- Describe the Hazard/Risk Category method of selecting arc flash PPE
- List the testing and maintenance requirements for personal protective equipment
- Identify the key objectives of job safety planning